How To Accurately Identify Quality In Clothing Material.

When we purchase any clothing for us, we make sure that it is made from quality materials, but sometimes we just get clothing that looks great but is not made from quality materials, and then we get to go through all the consequences that expensive clothing brings with it.

So at StyleCo91, we have some tricks by which you can identify quality clothing.

I’ve taken an example of a T-shirt, which I’ve demonstrated in this article, to show how to find quality materials in clothing.

Check the ends of any clothing.

Examining the ends of clothing, such as hems, seams, and edges, is crucial to ensure the garment’s quality.

Loose threads, frayed edges, or uneven stitching could indicate poor craftsmanship and potential durability issues.

Well-finished ends are a sign of thoughtful design and attention to detail. Neatly stitched hems and seamless edges contribute to a polished and professional look, elevating the garment’s overall appearance.

Smoothly finished ends contribute to the comfort and fit of the clothing. Rough edges or poorly sewn seams may cause irritation or discomfort when worn, detracting from the pleasure of wearing the garment.

Brands that prioritize finishing details demonstrate their commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. By checking the ends of clothing, you can gauge the brand’s attention to craftsmanship and design excellence.

So, the next time you indulge in retail therapy, take a moment to check the ends of clothing.

Whenever you buy a T-shirt, just check its ends where its back and front sides are attached to each other.

Stretch the stitching on it and stretch that particular area where the back and front sides are attached to each other if you find that it’s really firmly stitched.

That clothing is made from high-quality stitching.


Whenever buying a T-shirt, remember that it shouldn’t be see-through. To check this, you just observe around where the light is coming, go near it, take any piece of clothing near it, and place it right in front of it.

You will notice that if the light is passing too much from that T-shirt, it’s not made from quality materials. Quality clothing should not let much light pass through it so much.


We get to know from the weight of a T-shirt whether it’s made from quality materials or not.

When it comes to assessing the quality of clothing, one crucial aspect that often goes unnoticed is the weight of the fabric.

The weight of a garment’s material plays a significant role in defining its overall quality and can directly impact the comfort, durability, and appearance of the clothing.

The comfort of a garment is closely tied to its weight, as the right balance ensures the clothing conforms to the body without feeling too restrictive or loose.

Weight is an indicator of fabric density and thickness, which directly influences the garment’s durability and longevity.

Generally, heavier fabrics tend to be more robust and less prone to wear and tear, making them suitable for items that require regular use or need to withstand frequent laundering.

In contrast, lighter and flimsier fabrics may be more susceptible to damage, making them less durable in the long run.

Weight can influence our perception of a garment’s quality. Heavier fabrics tend to give an impression of luxury and higher quality, as they often feel substantial and well-crafted.

For tailored garments, weight matters significantly. Heavy fabrics hold their shape well and are easier to manipulate during the tailoring process, resulting in well-defined lines and structure.

If a t-shirt is heavy and you feel that it’s thick, that piece of garment is made from high-quality material.

Extra Buttons.

If we see extra buttons attached to a garment,  that garment is made to last, so that’s why you find extra buttons attached to any expensive piece of clothing that you buy.

Manufacturers that provide spare buttons alongside their clothing items demonstrate a commitment to durability.

In the event of a lost or damaged button during regular wear, having a replacement readily available ensures that the garment can be easily repaired, prolonging its lifespan.

Clothing with extra buttons is a reflection of meticulous attention to detail during the design and production process. It signals that the manufacturer has considered potential wear and tear scenarios and aims to address them preemptively.

Often, these spare buttons are made from the same material as the garment itself, ensuring a seamless match in terms of color, texture, and finish.

Brands that consistently offer spare buttons with their clothing demonstrate that they value their customers and are willing to go the extra mile to ensure their garments maintain their appeal and utility over time.

These are the small tools that a brand provides us with so that we can use that garment for longer.


Whenever you buy a piece of clothing, just remember to crumble it, and if it remains crumbly for a longer period of time, just understand that it’s not made from quality materials.

High-quality fabrics tend to bounce back to their original shape, exhibiting resilience and strength, whereas lower-quality fabrics may retain creases or show signs of wear after the crumpling test.

When a fabric quickly regains its original smoothness after being crumpled, it demonstrates resilience, indicating that it can withstand daily wear and handling.

Consumers seeking long-lasting clothing should look for fabrics that pass the “crumbling trick” as they are more likely to retain their appearance and shape through multiple uses.

Fabrics that fail the “crumbling trick” may not stand the test of time and might require frequent repairs or replacement.

For manufacturers, understanding the significance of the “crumbling trick” is crucial. It emphasizes the need to source and use high-quality fabrics in their designs, as this contributes to customer satisfaction and reinforces the brand’s reputation for producing durable, well-crafted clothing.

Check Button Holes.

Check your button holes; if they are tightly stitched and every button hole is systematically stitched, then that’s an indication of a high-quality garment that you have purchased.

They indicate that the manufacturer has taken the time to ensure meticulous attention to detail during the production process. Neat buttonholes enhance the overall appearance of the clothing, giving it a polished and professional finish.

A well-constructed buttonhole will securely hold the button in place, preventing it from easily coming undone during regular use.

Strong buttonholes are less likely to fray or stretch over time, ensuring the buttons remain securely fastened, thus increasing the garment’s durability.

When buttonholes are well-crafted, it reflects not only the skill of the manufacturer but also the use of high-quality materials in the garment.

A garment with carefully crafted buttonholes demonstrates a manufacturer’s commitment to finishing details. It indicates that the brand places importance on providing customers with a product that not only looks appealing but also functions seamlessly.


So these were some of the tricks by which you could identify the best quality in garments.

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Do share this article with someone who doesn’t know how to identify quality clothing whenever that individual purchases a new piece of clothing.

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